Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

ЁЯПаHow to protect the building from chemical and environmental attack?ЁЯПЧ

 Welcome back friends, 

          If one question is blinking in your mind that is "Even after great technologies and experts are available Special care is being taken during construction activity then "why the structures get deteriorate?"

        If this question is blinking in your mind then you are on the right way of thinking as an  engineer and quality construction seeker.

       Most of the structural elements in the  vorious type of Construction activity loose their Strength due to environmental & chemical and environmental factors. In Simple word "Chemical and environmental attacks". 

Now you will ask How'?

         We all know that due to Industrialization various industries produces  huge amount of waste in the Gas, liquid and Solid form. This waste directly and  indirectly present in our environment and here the actual Chemical & environmental attack Starts.

         So many process are involved in the process of chemical attack but I will explain here basic concept of chemical attack that is crystalization.

         Chemicals like sulfate present in environment enter into concrete from pores or voids present in the surface of concrete and this chemical entrapped into internal voids .

         As the time passes this entrapped chemical starts preparing Crystal and this Crystal then develop pressure internally on concrete. As a result we see the cracks on the concrete and this process not happen only in concrete but also in various construction materials by the means of various chemicals and by various ways.

        In advance construction practice construction professionals use various surface treatment like chemical coating on surface of building elements to avoid this future unseen Risk of cracking in the structure.

      As a effective solution of this Chemical and environmental attack. We will discuss here about  Solvent based Coal epoxy Coating system.

It is popularly known as AC-DUR-CT ('s) 

It is two Component Solvent based Coal tar epoxy system. 

For details about this company ЁЯСЗЁЯСЗ

It is Specially designed Coating having judicious blend of high quality. resin and inert fillers. It is recomended for protection of interior & exterior wooden, Concrete and metal surfaces from environmental and chemical attactk.

A detailed discussion we will do in 2nd part of this blog in which you will get all the details of this epoxy coating system and AC-DUR-CT (S).

Keywords # civil engineering# environment# chemical # attack# science # building # Protection # quality construction #

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Introduction to physics ЁЯУФPhysics means?ЁЯУФ

      So many my dear friends think that Physics, mathematics and other subjects are so much difficult and to learn this subject we need to do so many efforts, but it's not totally true any subject in education is very much simple you just need to OBSERVE THAT SUBJECT CLEARLY. You will find that subject like your daily playing games.

Here it is *Introduction to physics* 

  Science has many subjects like physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, other subjects etc. Let us now understand the subject of 'Physics' through some daily activities. # physics subject #

        Physics is something that happens but we can't see it. That is, we hear sound but cannot see sound waves, we see that magnets are attracted to each other but we cannot see that magnetic attraction. In physics we study the natural laws, like an apple falls to the ground and our great scientist see it and we find a discovery called gravity. I mean, we see the apple falling down but we don't see the force of gravity.

        Some important points and their example are mentioned below. I hope you understand that easily. We see these example in our daily life.

You will get here # Scope and excitement of physics #

1) Physics teach us law of nature, if we observe natural activities then definitely we understand the physics. So we starts from our scheduled day. At the morning our alarm ringing and we listen this sounds ultimately we wake up at the early morning. So here main point is ' Sound ' which included into the physics subject. These sounds create some sound waves which we listen.

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2) So after, at the morning we go for make a tea, for that we boil water. When we observe that hot water creates steam or vapours. So here is main point is Heat. It is also the part of physics. Means heat was dissipated from the water in the form of vapour or steam. These steam we use in many places that is we use it for generating power (For example- electric power, etc) through turbines at a power stations.

3)So now the office time, we take a cars key and go outside. We pull the door of car and seat inside. So here we pull the door means we apply some force to pull the door. The main point is Force. Another example when the car's wheel rotates, their is grip between tyre and the road. That grip create some force, although we stop the car and it slips little bit means we feel some Friction that id also example of force. I hope all understood the force concept.

4) Now we work on the computer. Hence first of all we switch on the button. we give electricity to any device like at current situation we see our mobile / PC etc. It requires electricity , so the these electric or electronic devices are also works on principles of the physics i.e. Electrical Energy . 

         Hey it's evening coffee time, after sunset we switch on the light. The Light is also the part of physics , we see reflection / deflection of light. Yes it is physics.

        So we see some point's i.e. Sound, Heat, Force, Friction, Electricity, Light .

        Physics also includes magnetism, gravity, inertia, etc. I hope you all understand the above points which we experiences in our daily life.

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Keywords- #Physics # Scientist # science # Einstein# mathematics# engineering# 

Labour productivity for different Items of construction work.

 Hii engineers, 

In this blog we are going to see, what is the labour productivity for different items of construction work.

First see labour productivity is the amount of work can be done by a worker in 8 working hours and this values are finalized by government authority.

The labour productivity can be vary according to location of site, site condition and various climatic conditions.

Let's start,

1. Excavation in foundation tranches in soft soil, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m.                         [ 2.27 m3 / mazdoor ]

2. Excavation in foundation tranches in hard soil, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m.                         [ 2.10 m3 / mazdoor ]

3. Excavation in soft and decomposed rock by blasting, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m.         [ 0.55 m3 / mazdoor ]

4. Sand filling in plinth, consolidating and dressing.             [ 4.0 m3 / mazdoor ]

5. Single layer brick flat soling including ramming and dressing the bed etc.                        [ 9 sq. m / mazdoor ]

6.Lime concrete in foundation.                                [ 10 m3 / mason ] 

7. Cement concrete.   [ 5.0 m3 / mason ]

8. Cement concrete ( 1 : 2 : 4 ) for R.C.C work.     [ 3.25 m3 / mason ]

9. Brickwork in foundation and plinth.                   [ 1.25 m3 / mason ]

10. Brickwork in super structure ground floor.      [ 1.10 m3 / mason ]

If you want more knowledge about estimating and costing, go through this books.



11. Half brickwork in partition wall.   [ 7.0 sq.m / mason ]

12. Brickwork in plinth arch.  [ 1.0 m3 / mason ]

13. Reinforced brickwork in slab.  [ 1.0 m3 / mason ]

14. 2.5 cm thik D.P.C. cement concrete.                   [ 12.50 sq.m / mason ]

15. 2 cm thik D.P.C. cement mortar .                      [ 20 sq.m / mason ]

16. Random rubble masonry in foundation and plinth.   [ 1.0 m3 / mason ]

17. Random rubble masonry in superstructure.   [ 0.90 m3 / mason ]. 

18. Ashlar masonry in superstructure.   [ 0.40 m3 / mason ].  

19.  Coursed rubble masonry in superstructure.   [ 0.67 m3 / mason ]. 

20. Brick-on-edge floor with cement mortar.              [ 1.0 sq.m / mason ]

permeability of soil

What is permeability? 

"   Permeability  is defined as the property of a porouse material which permits the passage of water or other fluids thorough it's interconnecting voids. "
         A material having the continuous voids  is called permeable. Gravels are highly permeable while stiff Clay is the least permeable, and hence such a Clay may be termed impermeable for all purpose.
Types of flow through soils =
1. Laminar flow .
2. Turbulent flow.
               In laminar flow , each fluid particle travels along a definite path which never crosses the path of any other particle .
               In turbulent  flow , the paths are irregular and twisting, crossing and recrossing of each particle is occures.

      Some important fields where permeability and seepage study is very essential . Out of which some are below.

1. In case of saturated compressible soil to determine the rate of settlement of foundation of any structural element.
2. To calculate the seepage of water through the body of Earth dam , and stability of slopes .
3. In calculation of uplift pressure under hydraulic structure and their safety against different water pressures .
4. Ground water flow towards open well and tube well and drainage of soil in diff conditions.
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# soil mechanics# # Civil engineering # permeability#

Hollywood City Fire: Lessons for the Construction Industry

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