How to fill GATE 2021 form and it's highlights.

 Hii engineers,

Nearly all the engineering students know about GATE EXAM. 

In 2021 due to covid 19 in gate exam there are some major changes in convenient exam pattern so this highlight will see this first and then we will discuss about how to fill gate form.

Highlights of GATE 2021 exam. 

  • Dates of examination: 

  1. Friday 5th, Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th, Friday 12th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th February, 2021. There are two sessions (forenoon and afternoon) each day.
  • Fully Computer Based Test (CBT).
  • Two NEW subject papers are introduced: 
  • ES (Environmental Science and Engineering)
  • XH (Humanities and Social Sciences) in Economics / English / Linguistics / Philosophy / Psychology / Sociology.
  • Total number of subject papers: 27

  • Syllabi of all subject papers have been revised for GATE 2021.
  • All Test Papers of GATE 2021 will be entirely objective type. 
  • The pattern of questions will include some Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ), while the remaining questions may include Multiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/or Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions.
  • ONE or TWO subject papers allowed. TWO Paper combinations have to be chosen from the given list of combinations of papers. Final allotment of TWO papers will still be subject to availability of infrastructure and dates.
  • Eligibility criteria is relaxed. A Candidate who is currently studying in th 3rd or higher years of any undergraduate degree program OR has already completed any Government approved degree program in Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Science / Commerce / Arts is eligible to appear for GATE-2021 examination.
  • There is NO age limit to appear for GATE 2021 examination.
  • Applications will be accepted ONLINE only through GATE-2021 website link GOAPS. Even if a candidate is appearing for TWO Papers, the candidate should fill ONLY ONE application form.
  • GATE-2021 score card will remain valid for THREE years from the date of announcement of results.
  • Organising Institute: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay).

So this are the highlights of GATE EXAM. 

Now we can discuss about how to fill gate exam form.

Step 1 :

To fill the gate exam form here is the link of Website:

Then first you need to register on website if you are new on website then generate enrollment I'd and password using new user icon which is at end of page. 

For this step you need an active email address and phone number.

Enrollment I'd will send to your registered mail ID.

Step 2.

Using enrollment I'd and password start filling application form from same website 

Which has 4 steps.

A. Exam details 

B. Personal details.

C. Upload documents.

D. Payment.

This all steps are very simple. You can do this in just a few minutes. 

Documents required : 

1. Any one Photo I'd  ( adhar, pan card etc.)

2. Scanned copy of signature of candidate.

3. Good quality identity size photo in scanned format.

4. If candidate is from sheduled cast ( ST/ SC) then cast certificate.

5. Any other documents as per rules of GATE organizing committee.

Mode of payment: 

You can do payment of GATE EXAM (Graduate aptitude Test in examination) only through online mode on the same website.

So my dear friend all the best for your bright future. 

if you want important notes related to GATE EXAM comments me in comment box and like and share this blog with your friends. 

Next blog is on changed syllabus : 

What is removed and what is added in revised syllabus of GATE EXAM 2021.

For more information about gate and it's study material in vedio format follow the YouTube channel.

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Gns Talks said...

Nice blog

construction and management said...

It's nice...keep it up

Unknown said...

I want study material

Pravin kadam. said...

For study material join WhatsApp group. It's link is in the end of blog.
Thank you.
All the best for your bright future.

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